Cash is King

Cash is King

Imagine you have two children, twins, David and Dianne.On their 21st birthday, for their present you give each of them enough cash to place a small deposit on a home in Australia.David uses the money to buy a house, which he rents out while he lives with his mates. He never makes any further investments, …

How do Build to Rent (BTR) developments differ from Build To Sell? (BTS)

Naturally, in order to appeal to a specific section of the property market (i.e. those who wish to rent rather than buy), developers are custom designing BTR sites to suit prospective renter’s lifestyles. Obviously, the properties themselves need to meet modern standards of living, and plenty actually exceed expectations if you’re willing and able to …

Does BTR offer any opportunities to the individual investor, or is it solely to the benefit of institutional investors?

BTR means a single owner operating all units in the building, so it’s difficult to see how the individual investor can participate in this business model, other than indirectly through collective investment funds that target this sector. Aside from funds, the closest proxy is probably the Property Investment Club model in the UK where individual …